Too Conservative for Conservatives, Too Liberal for Liberals
GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul laid out a plan on Monday that slashes over a trillion dollars in a single year from the Federal Budget.
Congressman Paul plans to completely abolish five major government departments. This includes The Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, Interior, and HUD (Housing and Urban Development). He also aims to privatize the Federal Aviation Administration and the Transportation Security Administration. On top of that, he plans to audit the Federal Reserve and cut the President's annual salary from $400,000 to $39,336 which is the average household income for American citizens. His outline also freezes spending in most other departments as well as reducing the Federal Workforce by 10%.
Doctor Paul's proposal also calls for all US troops to return to America, ending the War on Terror immediately. How fast is "immediately"? His definition is obviously quite different than President Obama's. The current President has been in office for three years and we still have troops in over one hundred countries across the globe. So what does "immediately" mean to Ron Paul?
"As fast as the ships can get there".
Paul has been called an isolationist for criticizing the military industrial complex in America. Evidently, prioritizing the safety of American lives over a never-ending quest for global dominance makes you anti-social. Paul has opposed the war since its onset calling it "unconstitutional" on many occasions. It is ,after all, an undeclared war much like Vietnam. While Paul's foreign policy emphasizes trade with all nations, he stands firmly against the US getting involved with entangling alliances.
Paul's plan to audit the federal reserve and abolish the income tax in America comes coupled with the idea that federal government be downsized to its smallest possible form. You cannot have one without the other. As long as citizens are allowed and encouraged to not participate in their own democracy - as long as they expect the government to cradle them and care for them in every aspect of their lives - you cannot get rid of the income tax. However, if you reduce the size of the federal government and empower the states to run themselves, you give the people back the power they were meant to have all along.
Doctor Paul's proposal also calls for all US troops to return to America, ending the War on Terror immediately. How fast is "immediately"? His definition is obviously quite different than President Obama's. The current President has been in office for three years and we still have troops in over one hundred countries across the globe. So what does "immediately" mean to Ron Paul?
"As fast as the ships can get there".
Paul has been called an isolationist for criticizing the military industrial complex in America. Evidently, prioritizing the safety of American lives over a never-ending quest for global dominance makes you anti-social. Paul has opposed the war since its onset calling it "unconstitutional" on many occasions. It is ,after all, an undeclared war much like Vietnam. While Paul's foreign policy emphasizes trade with all nations, he stands firmly against the US getting involved with entangling alliances.
Paul's plan to audit the federal reserve and abolish the income tax in America comes coupled with the idea that federal government be downsized to its smallest possible form. You cannot have one without the other. As long as citizens are allowed and encouraged to not participate in their own democracy - as long as they expect the government to cradle them and care for them in every aspect of their lives - you cannot get rid of the income tax. However, if you reduce the size of the federal government and empower the states to run themselves, you give the people back the power they were meant to have all along.
Rightwing members of the propaganda machine have taken serious offense to Paul's plan to save the American Economy. So-called "conservatives" seem to be extremely eager to throw taxpayer money in any direction they choose. They have created innumerable and unnecessary departments, expanded the reach of government into the private sector, and surveilled and infringed upon citizen's rights, all on the backs of the unwilling taxpayer. What exactly makes conservatives conservative? What exactly makes liberals liberal? They both want two things. Big government and big business run symbiotically with big government.
Critics have been saying something along the lines of "Do you realize how many people are employed in those departments? The unemployment rate would skyrocket!".
I would find it interesting, if it wasn't so deplorable, that all of a sudden conservatives think that people should get paid to do nothing... as long as they are upper class white men.